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Birthday Party

Looking for something new and memorable for your child’s birthday party?

Acro’Aventures Quintal has a selection of birthday packs for children as of 3 years old !


3 years min.


8 kids min.

Free ! (1)

Free entrance for the child celebrating their birthday

Birthday Pack

Children ⩽ 5 years : with an accompanying adult only (2)

(1) Only valid for one child celebrating their birthday with one of the following packs

(2) One free accompanying adult for a group of children under 5 years old.


Birthday cake (chocolate)
+ soda + candies
+ goodies

+ Invitation cards can be downloaded and personalised


Sports clothes are recommended and closed shoes are compulsary (no Crocs, sandals or flip flops)

Carte bancaire

You can pay by cash or card (no American Express)

Enfant accompagné

Adult supervision is compulsary for users younger than 18 years old : you can follow them from the forest footpath